Nuclear Meltdown Inevitable: Jeremiah 12

Zaporizhzhia NPP’s safe operation at power levels currently impossible – SNRIU

Zaporizhzhia NPP’s safe operation at power levels currently impossible – SNRIU

28.03.2024 03:39

As long as Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) remains under Russian occupation, it is impossible to safely operate the plant at the power levels.

The relevant statement was made by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU), following a meeting between SNRIU Head Oleh Korikov and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“During the meeting, Oleh Korikov emphasized that any intention of Russian occupiers to bring Zaporizhzhia NPP’s power units to the power levels for electricity generation poses a huge threat of accidents with radiation consequences that will have transboundary effects. Such actions would completely contradict the terms of the license, rules and regulations on nuclear and radiation safety,” the report states.

According to Korikov, Russian military occupation, the lack of proper maintenance and repairs, incompetent and illegitimate personnel have led to a significant deterioration in the nuclear and radiation safety and the lack of emergency response capability.

In addition, Russia’s blowing up of the Kakhovka Reservoir adversely affected the possibility of Zaporizhzhia NPP’s safe operation.

Korikov noted that Zaporizhzhia NPP’s safe operation is possible only after its demilitarization, de-occupation, and return under Ukraine’s control.

Additionally, Korikov and Grossi discussed the impact of Russian massive attacks on the nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear energy facilities and the performance of IAEA monitoring missions at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

A reminder that Zaporizhzhia NPP has been under Russian occupation since March 4, 2022.

Photo: Energoatom

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