The Year of the Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12)


Sloshing of Earth’s core may spike major earthquakesBy Paul VoosenOct. 30, 2017 , 1:45 PM
The number of major earthquakes, like the magnitude-7 one that devastated Haiti in 2010, seems to be correlated with minute fluctuations in day length.
SEATTLE—The world doesn’t stop spinning. But every so often, it slows down. For decades, scientists have charted tiny fluctuations in the length of Earth’s day: Gain a millisecond here, lose a millisecond there. Last week at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America here, two geophysicists argued that these minute changes could be enough to influence the timing of major earthquakes—and potentially help forecast them.
During the past 100 years, Earth’s slowdowns have correlated surprisingly well with periods with a global increase in magnitude-7 and larger earthquakes, according to Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado (CU) in Boulder and Rebecca Bendick at the University of Montana in Missoula. Usefully, the spike, which adds two to five more quakes than typical, happens well after the slow-down begins. “The Earth offers us a 5-years heads up on future earthquakes, which is remarkable,” says Bilham, who presented the work.
Most seismologists agree that earthquake prediction is a minefield. And so far, Bilham and Bendick have only fuzzy, hard-to-test ideas about what might cause the pattern they found. But the finding is too provocative to ignore, other researchers say. “The correlation they’ve found is remarkable, and deserves investigation,” says Peter Molnar, a geologist also at CU.
The research started as a search for synchrony in earthquake timing. Individual oscillators, be they fireflies, heart muscles, or metronomes, can end up vibrating in synchrony as a result of some kind of cross-talk—or some common influence. To Bendick, it didn’t seem a far jump to consider the faults that cause earthquakes, with their cyclical buildup of strain and violent discharge, as “really noisy, really crummy oscillators,” she says. She and Bilham dove into the data, using the only complete earthquake catalog for the past 100 years: magnitude-7 and larger earthquakes.
In work published in August in Geophysical Research Letters they reported two patterns: First, major quakes appeared to cluster in time
—although not in space. And second, the number of large earthquakes seemed to peak at 32-year intervals. The earthquakes could be somehow talking to each other, or an external force could be nudging the earth into rupture.
Exploring such global forces, the researchers eventually discovered the match with the length of day. Although weather patterns such as El Nino can drive day length to vary back and forth by a millisecond over a year or more, a periodic, decades-long fluctuation of several milliseconds—in particular, its point of peak slow down about every three decades or so—lined up with the quake trend perfectly. “Of course that seems sort of crazy,” Bendick says. But maybe it isn’t. When day length changes over decades, Earth’s magnetic field also develops a temporary ripple. Researchers think slight changes in the flow of the molten iron of the outer core may be responsible for both effects. Just what happens is uncertain—perhaps a bit of the molten outer core sticks to the mantle above. That might change the flow of the liquid metal, altering the magnetic field, and transfer enough momentum between the mantle and the core to affect day length.
Seismologists aren’t used to thinking about the planet’s core, buried 2900 kilometers beneath the crust where quakes happen. But they should, Bilham said during his talk here. The core is “quite close to us. It’s closer than New York from here,” he said.
At the equator, Earth spins 460 meters per second. Given this high velocity, it’s not absurd to think that a slight mismatch in speed between the solid crust and mantle and the liquid core could translate into a force somehow nudging quakes into synchrony, Molnar says. Of course, he adds, “It might be nonsense.” But the evidence for some kind of link is compelling, says geophysicist Michael Manga of the University of California, Berkeley. “I’ve worked on earthquakes triggered by seasonal variation, melting snow. His correlation is much better than what I’m used to seeing.”
One way or another, says James Dolan, a geologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, “we’re going to know in 5 years.” That’s because Earth’s rotation began a periodic slow-down 4-plus years ago. Beginning next year, Earth should expect five more major earthquakes a year than average—between 17 to 20 quakes, compared with the anomalously low four so far this year. If the pattern holds, it will put a new spin on earthquake forecasting.

New Proposals Made in the Outer Court: Revelation 11

 Israelis gather in Tel Aviv for the release of Gaza hostages on November 25, 2023 (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)
Israelis gather in Tel Aviv for the release of Gaza hostages on November 25, 2023(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/MAARIV)

Israel to release over 700 prisoners, including murderers, in Gaza deal – report

The prisoners agreed upon for release by Israel reportedly include hundreds who are serving life sentences for murdering Israelis in terror attacks.

Israel has agreed to release between 700-800 Palestinian prisoners as part of a ceasefire and hostage release deal, Israeli media reported on Sunday evening, citing Israeli officials.

The prisoners agreed upon for release by Israel include hundreds who are serving life sentences for murdering Israelis in terror attacks, Walla’s Barak Ravid further reported.

In return, 40 hostages will be released by Hamas, reports said.

Gaza hostage deal: Ball in Hamas’s court

It was reported on Saturday night that the Israeli delegation in Qatar has agreed to an American compromise on the issue of the number of Palestinian prisoners who will be swapped for each Israeli hostage.

According to the reports, major disagreements about this number initially prompted the American compromise proposal.

 Demonstrators protest calling for the release of Israeli hostages in Tel Aviv, March 23, 2024 (credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)
Demonstrators protest calling for the release of Israeli hostages in Tel Aviv, March 23, 2024 (credit: ERIK MARMOR/FLASH90)

The Israeli team in Qatar has also reportedly been authorized to discuss the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza.

According to Israeli media, Hamas’s response will likely take a few days to receive due to the logistics of getting approval from Hamas leadership in Gaza.

This is a developing story. Eve Young contributed to this report.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant in Dire Straits: Jeremiah 12

Russia’s latest attack severs backup power supply to Zaporizhzhia NPP

23.03.2024 12:41

In Dnipropetrovsk region, two main 330 kV overhead lines providing backup power supply to the Zaporizhzha nuclear power plant were disabled as a result of the latest Russian strike.

This was reported by NEC Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s power system operator.

“In Dnipropetrovsk region, the Russians again targeted energy infrastructure facilities last night. During the night hours, amid an UAV strike and artillery shelling, part of the equipment at one of the substations was damaged and two main 330 kV lines were de-energized. As a result, the backup power supply to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was disabled,” the statement reads.Read also: Injury toll in Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia rises to 29

As of now, Ukrenergo’s repair teams have put one 330 kV line back into operation.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, as a result of the overnight Russian attack involving Shahed-131/136 kamikaze drones, a number of energy facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions sustained damage.

Russian Horn is Ready for Nuclear War: Revelation 16


Russia ‘ready’ for nuclear war, Putin claims

“We have them with us all the time, constantly in a state of combat readiness,” president says, referring to Moscow’s nukes.SHARE

Putin’s comments come the week of the Russian presidential “election” | Pool photo by Sergey Guneyev via AFP/Getty Images

MARCH 13, 2024 9:19 AM CET


Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed the Kremlin is “ready” for nuclear war with the West, in his latest saber-rattling comments.

“From a military-technical point of view, of course, we are ready,” Putin said in an interview with Russian state media published Wednesday, when asked whether his country was prepared for nuclear war. “We have them with us all the time, constantly in a state of combat readiness.”

Putin’s comments come the week of the Russian presidential “election,” which the autocrat is all-but guaranteed to win to secure his fifth term in office.

Putin also warned Wednesday that the presence of American troops on Russian or Ukrainian territory would be considered an escalation and “this is how we will treat it,” though he added that he didn’t believe that was likely to occur.

Last month, French President Emmanuel Macron triggered uproar among his Western allies when he refused to rule out the prospect of sending Western troops to Ukraine. U.S. President Joe Biden categorically ruled out the idea.

Putin last year revoked Russia’s ratification of the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), and on Wednesday repeated that Russia would consider restarting nuclear testing if the U.S. does so.

“If they conduct such tests, I do not rule it out,” he said.

The Call to Nuclearize the Iranian Horn: Daniel 8

Seminary teacher Mohammad Faker Meybodi

Iranian Cleric Calls For Nuclear Arms

Mohammad Faker Meybodi, a faculty member at the Center for Islamic Sciences, has sparked controversy with his recent remarks advocating for the possession of nuclear arms.

Speaking on the historical context of military weaponry as outlined in the Quran, Meybodi emphasized the need for contemporary armaments to deter adversaries effectively.

“At the time when the verse related to military weapons was revealed in the Quran, the weapon of that era was the swords and spears… Today, it may be necessary for us to possess nuclear weapons to intimidate the enemy. We must equip ourselves with modern weapons,” Meybodi stated.

His statements contrast with the stance previously expressed by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, who feigned to denounce the acquisition and use of nuclear weapons, citing religious prohibitions. Khamenei’s fatwa against nuclear arms dates back to the mid-1990s and has been reiterated on numerous occasions, emphasizing Iran’s commitment to “peaceful nuclear endeavors.”

Despite Iran’s assertions that its program is for civilian purposes, UN inspectors last year claimed Iran has accelerated its nuclear enrichment program.

In December, the UN’s atomic weaponswatchdog agency, the IAEA, sounded alarm bells regarding Iran’s illicit enrichment of uranium. Tehran was reported to have reversed a months-long slowdown in the rate of uranium enrichment, reaching levels of up to 60-percent purity, approaching the approximately 90-percent threshold for weapons-grade uranium.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an agreement reached in 2015, aimed to address these concerns by limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities in exchange for sanctions relief. However, the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA in 2018 reignited tensions and cast uncertainty over the agreement’s future.

Israel’s Al-Shifa Hospital raid: Revelation 11

IDF claims it killed 170 Hamas terrorists, captures 800 in Al-Shifa Hospital raid

Chris Harris

Israeli forces claim to have killed more than 170 Hamas terrorists since Monday in its ongoing takedown of Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters staked out in and around Gaza’s main hospital.

In addition to the slain terrorists, a post to the Israel Defense Force’s X account Saturday said over 800 more suspects were taken into custody throughout the extended raid on Al-Shifa Hospital.

Israeli fighters also “located many weapons and terrorist infrastructure” during the operation, the post said.

Israeli tanks maneuver through sand in the Gaza Strip, with rubble from destroyed buildings visible next to one of the tanks and in the background.
Israeli tanks maneuvers in the Gaza Strip, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. via REUTERS
Smoke billows from unseen buildings following an Israeli bombardment near the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. Multiple buildings in the foreground show damage from the ongoing war.
Smoke billows following an Israeli bombardment in the vicinity of the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on March 23, 2024. AFP via Getty Images

On Friday, Israeli fighter jets also “attacked about 35 terrorist targets throughout the Gaza Strip,” the IDF claimed, “including operational headquarters, military positions, infrastructures of the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and aid targets for the maneuvering forces.”

In other developments:

–Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said he believes the United States will soon turn its back on Israel and withdraw its support of the nation’s ongoing war with Hamas, which will soon enter its sixth month.

“United States’ long-standing ambition to dominate the region has been undermined by the resilience of the Axis of Resistance,” Khamenei said, the Jerusalem Post reported. “The United States is now left with no option but to withdraw from the region.”

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, with the Iranian flag in the background.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. KHAMENEI.IR/AFP via Getty Images
Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces Herzi Halevi, wearing military fatigues, walks along with other officials wearing combat gear.
Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces Herzi Halevi walks along with other officials. via REUTERS

Khamenei warned Saudi Arabia against forging ties with Jerusalem, and predicted that Israel will soon be eradicated by the Palestinians. 

“This cancer will certainly, God willing, be eradicated by the hands of the Palestinian people and the resistance forces throughout the region,” he said, according to the Times of Israel.

–UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited the Rafah crossing in Egypt on Saturday, where he renewed pleas for an immediate ceasefire. After witnessing a long line of relief trucks being blocked from crossing into the Gaza Strip, Guterres called the situation a “moral outrage,” Al Jazeera reported.

Smoke rises in the background following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City.
Smoke rises in the background following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City. MOHAMMED SABER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks at a podium crowded with microphones as he visits the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks as he visits the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. REUTERS

Israel War Update

Get the most important developments in the region, globally and locally.

U.S. fighter jets led strikes on three underground storage facilities, all located within Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Friday, a U.S. official told ABC News.


It was unclear if anyone was killed or injured in the strikes. U.S. forces also destroyed four drones within the same region of Yemen.

The Times of Israel reported that Hezbollah used a pair of drones to damage an Iron Dome battery near Kfar Blum, just south of the border with Lebanon. Israeli officials said the strikes caused a fire, but did not injure or kill anyone on the ground.

Death Toll Rises in the Outer Court: Revelation 11

Palestinians walk past the ruins of houses destroyed during Israel’s military offensive, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Gaza city on March 20. [Photo/Agencies] 

Palestinian death toll in Gaza rises to 32,142: ministry

GAZA — The Palestinian death toll from ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip has risen to 32,142, with 74,412 others wounded, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said on Saturday.

In a press statement sent to Xinhua, the ministry said the Israeli army killed 72 Palestinians and wounded 114 others during the past 24 hours.

Meanwhile, the Hamas-run government media office said the Israeli army threatened to bomb and destroy the buildings of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

The office said in a press statement that “we received testimonies from inside the Al-Shifa complex indicating that the Israeli army threatened the medical staff and the displaced inside the buildings that it would bomb and destroy them over their heads, or that they would go out for torture, investigation, and execution.”

In addition, the Israeli army said in a press statement that its forces and the Shin Bet security service continue to fight in the Al-Shifa Hospital area, confirming that 170 people were killed in the area and more than 800 others were arrested.

In a statement, Hamas accused Israel of committing “horrific massacres” in the Al-Shifa complex, saying that “bombing defenseless civilians with drones is a war crime.”

The recent operation began early Monday, with the Israeli forces attacking the compound with tanks and airstrikes.

Al-Shifa, which was Gaza’s largest medical facility before the war, is now one of the few hospitals still functioning in the coastal enclave and also serving as a shelter for displaced Palestinians.

Israel has targeted the hospital before, claiming that Hamas used it as a command center and hid weapons and fighters in underground tunnels underneath the complex.

Israel has been launching a large-scale offensive against Hamas in Gaza to retaliate against a Hamas rampage through the southern Israeli border on Oct. 7, 2023, during which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 were taken hostage.